Wednesday, June 24, 2009


PhotobucketSo Megan Fox's hot white Kaufman Franco dress was so yesterday, literally, but today it's Megan Fox's hot white dress and the purple grape nail polish she was wearing to compliment it! Maybe you're thinking, how the hell did I notice her polish??? Part of my job as a trend reporter was to notice the LITTLE THINGS and after all, the color of nail polish plays a fun role in fashion. To be really honest I just couldn't help notice it as I was watching her E! News interview with Ryan Seacrest today.
It's nice to see a pop of color with an elegant white dress. It's definitely a fun way to show the youth in this 22 year old up & coming actress. Not to mention that she's starting a new trend in long dresses with slinky, silhouettes, solid satin finishes, and screams classy & vixen all in one...Sugar & Spice IS very nice.
