Hi, this is a test run and I'm Christine. Very excited about the opening of H&M on 86th Street NYC. What I found more captivating and mesmerizing was the vibrant & rich colors of Canary Yellow, Fuchsia, and Turquoise/Teal proudly displayed on the men's side of the store...not to mention a beautiful pair of men's khakis in a Garden Green. I'm always captivated by men's fashion b/c for women fashion is predisposed to be absolutely fabulous for us. It's so nice to see men's fashion take on a role of their own without having to be gay or as some men, straight men would say..."looking gay". Now don't get me wrong, I give a huuuuuuuuuge round of applause to our gay society that continues to push the fashion envelope. I also give a big hands up to any man in general who's not afraid to experiment...ehhhmmmm...with fashion! An ex-boyfriend of mine always asked me to help him with his style and one day he made an interesting point," men's fashion is not about being gay, it's just that gay men have the CONFIDENCE to wear it." Looking good overall is about confidence and that is not limited to a specific genre which is why I LOVED the turquoise/teal canvas sneakers at H&M for men...I mean this is an awesome color and how sexy is the man that wears it!!!! Along with an intense yellow cotton/linen button down shirt. I found myself so enamored with it that I had even considered getting it for myself just to not let a good shirt with great color go to waste, but it wouldn't of have the same effect as ooooh lets say the confident man it. That's it for today...more fun stuff to come soon...thanks!
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